Emissions measurement at the Comsos sites

We have measured the emissions from the first Sunfire SOFC unit running in Taiwan and results are here presented. The system has reached all the Comsos targets for what concerning NOx and PM measurements.


This figure shows NOx emissions from Sunfire Powerbox during normal operation and proves very low NOx emissions from SOFC-technology in general as well as from Sunfire’s product. Sunfire Powerbox reached the ComSos-project target of NOx emissions less than 40 mg/kWh during normal operation. An ambitious and highly demanding target which is significantly stricter than e.g. equivalent NOx limits of Euro VI emission standard. Emission measurements to Sunfire Powerbox were carried out by experts from VTT during August 2019 at Dresden.


This figure shows particle emissions from Sunfire Powerbox during normal operation. From the chart, one can see that particle emissions from Sunfire Powerbox are significantly less than particle concentrations in ambient air so particle-wise Sunfire Powerbox works as an air cleaner. Emission measurement was carried out by experts from VTT during August 2019 at Dresden. Particle concentrations from 30 nm to 10 µm sized particles were measured from the exhaust pipe of Sunfire Powerbox.