The project’ final video is out focusing on results with a broad explanation on Comsos’ project developments. The Comsos Playlist on Youtube collects all the interviews, webinars, infographics produced during the years .
The Comsos Youtube Playlist
Interviews, infographics, video clips and webinars produced during the project are available on Youtube with a special playlist focused on Comsos.
Clean Hydrogen Partnership, PACE Project towards the final event
As part of the network of projects financed by Clean Hydrogen Partnership, of which we are part, we invite you to participate in the event “What Role for Fuel Cell micro-CHP in Europe’s Future Energy System?” scheduled in Brussels on
Partner meeting in Torino
On 19th of January Politecnico di Torino hosted the last Comsos Partner meeting before the closure of the project scheduled for this summer. The partner shared the latest results and the following steps, finally in presence after the pandemic years.
Convion go ahead with two new installations
A new goal for Comsos Project: Convion announces the implementation of two new installations located in China and Estonia, where multiple new energy technologies were installed. The photos below focuses on China’ microgrid and Estonia’ biogas installations. Moreover the Chinese
Comsos at WFFC 2022
During the WFCC World Fuel Cell Conference held at the University of California, Irvine, Politecnico di Torino’ researcher Paolo Marocco presented the Comsos project with a focus on installations and environmental results connected to the project developments with the title
Comsos at ICREC 2022
During the 2022 edition of ICREC, the 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation, Politecnico di Torino’ researcher Paolo Marocco held a presentation focused on tecno-economic and sustainability results of the project. The presentation focused on “Evaluation of the
STC meets innovators
Held in Collegno, Torino, on october 7th STC meets innovators was the opportunity to share the competence of Politecnico di Torino researchers on fuel cell and electolyzers. During the presentation Comsos was one of the project showcased as success story
EFCF Lucerne
It was a double presence the one of Comsos at EFCF 2022, held in Lucerne on july 5 to 8 2022. The event, at the 15th edition, experienced two presentations focused on Comsos both on july 8th 2022. Paolo Marocco,
Comsos: new publication on Science Direct
A new paper focused on Comsos investigates the optimal design of fuel cell based combined heat and power systems for buildings. Authored by Paolo Marocco, Marta Gandiglio and Massimo Santarelli, from Politecnico di Torino Steps research team, the study analyzes