Comsos partners describe together their perspective in the project.
The role of Politecnico di Torino in the ComSos Project
Prof. Massimo Santarelli and Eng. Marta Gandiglio bring the academic perspective in the ComSos project thanks to the role played by Politecnico di Torino.
FCH Ju presentation on Comsos
Read the presentation that FCH JU has published about the advantages of Comsos project and its aim to bring hydrogen to the retail and b2b sectors. Read more browsing this page:
The Infographic
Understanding the process to better comprehend the ComSos project. Here’s the infographic to help.
ComSos project ready to go
The engines are warming for the start-up of Comsos the EU funded project aimed to develop, test and distribute a small size fuel cell system – SOFC – in order to demonstrate the efficiency of fuel cell based technology for small and medium