Comsos infographic

Following the communication of the Comsos project, a set of video infographic explains the advantages of the system for different kind of business with short stories.

The first is focusing on Hotels with a leading actor, Carl. The protagonist has decided to install a fuel cell cogeneration system in his five-star hotel and to supply high efficiency and zero emissions electricity to his guests!

Let’s discover more in the video.

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell systems are a very interesting solution energy intensive non-residential buildings like hotels, offices buildings, small SMEs and sport centers, because they can help to cover their electrical and thermal needs with zero emissions to the atmosphere.

SOFC systems are in fact well suited for activities where a constant electricity requirement is found: the SOFC can work continuously 24/7 and can guarantee a reliable electricity and heat production with a very high electrical efficiency (>50%) and zero pollutants emissions to atmosphere (SOx, NOx, PM) helping to increase the air quality in polluted urban areas while generating a saving in the owner’s electricity bill.


SOFC @ CARL’s HOTEL video is online
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